NMT Business Operations
NMT Business Operations supports and advances the educational, research and social mission of the University by protecting the assets of the Institute through maintaining accurate financial records and controls, thus insuring the integrity of all University financial activity. The office also insures that all financial reports and supporting documentation are in compliance with all internal policies, State of New Mexico laws and regulations, Federal laws and regulation and all general accounting standards.
The Business Operations offices are located in Fidel and Wells Hall.
Business Operations Forms
Accounts Payable
General Accounting
Student Accounts Forms
Business Operations
Melissa Tull | Controller | 575-835-5374 | Business Operations | Wells 106A | melissa.tull@ai183club.com |
Kimberly Armijo | Assistant Controller | 575-835-5163 | Business Operations | Wells 121 | kimberly.armijo@ai183club.com |
Kenneth Aerts | Business Operations Manager | 575-835-5789 | Business Operations | Wells 109 | kenneth.aerts@ai183club.com |
Tammy Roof | Accounting Analyst | 575-835-6954 | Business Operations | Wells 106 | tammy.roof@ai183club.com |
Margaret (Deanie) Vigil | Senior Accounting Clerk | 575-835-5315 | Business Operations | Fidel 221 | margaret.vigil@ai183club.com |